Chroma key, the visual effect of layering video footages together based on colors, is also commonly known as the Green Screen Effect or green screening. ManyCam allows you to apply this effect while live on streams or video calls. That means you can replace your background with images, videos, or any other ManyCam video sources.
Here, you’ll find some of the most popular videos featuring ManyCam green screen feature, how to remove your real background and replace it with an image. Learn how to set up the chroma key feature and replace your background with our online community.
Learn more about how to use ManyCam’s Chroma key.
Introduction to green screen
From a VIPKid teacher.
This video shows how to set up Chroma key and get you on your way to amazing Green Screen fun in your classrooms.
How to set iTutorGroup background using the green screen
From an iTutorGroup teacher.
How to setup iTutorGroup background by using the chroma key feature.
Step by Step Tutorial for Green Screen with ManyCam
From an iTutorGroup teacher.
Using a green screen to teach online sounds daunting, but you can do this! Check it out.
Greenscreen Chromakey ManyCam Teaching on the cheap
From a VIPKid teacher.
How to set up and light a greenscreen background using Manycam, inexpensive lights, and a solid green cloth
Guide to Utilizing Chroma Keying in Post Production Software
Ever wondered what a news studio looks like in reality – and wanted to play around with the green screen? Everyone can reproduce green screens and use chroma keying for home-made special effects. Alternative software for video editing and post-production in one seamless workflow, including editing video footage with chroma-keying. Learn how to key “green screen” footage like the pros in this step-by-step guide. Utilize the power of the green screen for your next video project. Whether you’re combining several takes into one composite, creating double exposure, adding a colorful backdrop to a headshot, or creating special effects with dozens of powerful image filters and effects, powerful and high-speed workflow bring your creative vision to life. Try it yourself!